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French Army

All figures are Adler 6mm. This is my french army lined up for inspection, I realise the quality i.e. lighting or focus is not the greatest, but since I am just staring out hopefully quality will improve.

FRENCH1.JPG (54607 bytes) My french photographed with a flash from the side
FRENCH2.JPG (60125 bytes) My french photographed with a flash from the front.
french3.JPG (87013 bytes) My french photographed with a long exposure from the side
French5.JPG (89359 bytes) My french photographed with a long exposure from the front
FRCAV1.JPG (67600 bytes) My french cavalry photographed with a flash from the front.
French4.JPG (88056 bytes) My french cavalry photographed with a long exposure from the front.
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